Fargo Public Schools is committed to excellence through a student-centered learning environment supported by positive collaborations with students, staff, parents, school, and community. Each biennium during the North Dakota legislative assembly, Fargo Public Schools Board of Education and administration closely monitor the work of the legislature, collaborate with local senators and representatives, and actively advocate for public education and the interests of students.
The Governmental Affairs Committee of the Board tracks federal, state and city legislation that has implications for the school district. The committee meets regularly and keeps the full board informed regarding legislative issues, while also providing advice regarding the timing and content of communication and/or testimony to inform those in a decision-making capacity. The committee closely monitors bills during each legislative session and takes positions on bills based upon Board feedback and the Board’s established legislative priorities.
The committee works with administration to develop the biennial Legislative Issues document, which is available below. Committee members also participate as appropriate in both the interim study and regular legislative process. As advocates for public education in Fargo, Board members promote and maintain communication with local, state and federal policy makers, area school boards, NDSSC board members, NDSBA, NSBA and other state and national organizations with a common legislative mission.