Board Meetings
The Board of Education of the City of Fargo meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month except in July and December when one meeting is held on the second Tuesday. In 2025, the Board will meet on the fourth Monday in February and the second Wednesday in November due to conflicts in those months. For the 2025 schedule of meetings, click here. Meetings usually begin at 5:30 p.m. and are held in the Board Room of the District Office located at 700 7th Street South, Fargo, North Dakota. The public entrance to the District Office is located on the north side of the building, facing Island Park. The Board Room is located on the east side of the lower level of the building; access to the lower level is via the stairs or elevator after the main entrance. At times, the Board may meet via web teleconferencing. Please be sure to check each meeting agenda for the meeting location and any special instructions.
Citizens who would like to address the Board of Education may do so during the Recognition of Audience portion of each regular meeting agenda. Those desiring to address the Board must sign up in advance of the meeting on the sheet outside of the Board Room. Each citizen who signs up to address the Board will be asked to state their name and home school district for the record. Speakers are asked to refrain from using this forum to criticize or complain about a specific employee by name. The Board is interested in hearing citizen comments and will listen carefully, but is not obligated to respond to or debate issues in this forum. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of three minutes to address the Board.
To find Board meeting agendas, memos, minutes and more, expand the sections below.
If you have questions regarding past or upcoming Board meetings, please contact Board Secretary AnnMarie Campbell at 701-446-1005.
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