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Registration and Enrollment

Fargo Public Schools (FPS) has an online registration process.

Current Student?

Parents/guardians of current FPS students must complete annual registration forms and make fee payments through PowerSchool.

New Student?

Start by completing the Pre-Registration form. When the school reviews and approves your form, an email will be sent explaining how to create a PowerSchool Parent account or how to add the new child to your current PowerSchool Parent account, where the remaining forms can be completed. For details on eligibility and required residency documentation, see our K-12 Enrollment Policy.


PLEASE NOTE: The online registration system requires that the primary parent/guardian have a valid email account. If the primary parent/guardian does not have an email account, one can be created from the many free email service providers like Google's Gmail.

New Kindergartner?

See our Kindergarten Registration page for further detailed information.

PowerSchool and Login Information: 701-446-1006.
Which school your child will attend: Betsy Beaton 701-446-1043.
Petitions or Open Enrollment: Amy Nojang at 701-446-1010.
Interpreter Help: Chrisann Aalderks at 701-446-1055.