Elementary School Program
Elementary Summer School is a teacher referred program. It is designed to provide additional support for students in need of extra instruction in math and reading to be successful for the upcoming school year. There are specific criteria that a student must meet in order to qualify for the program.
Dates: July 7 – 25, 2025 / Monday – Friday
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Once your child’s classroom teacher has referred your child to the program, with your permission, the classroom teacher will register your student. Registrations are due no later than March 31.
Parents will receive a confirmation email from our Elementary Summer School office the week of June 15th, informing you of your child's placement.
Attendance Policy:
Students enrolled in the Elementary Summer School Program are expected to be in attendance a minimum of 13 days of the 15 class days scheduled. Students who are absent are expected to make up the work they missed during their absence. A student will be dropped from the program on the third absence.
Contact Information:
Summer School Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Director, Lori Nappe, 701-446-1295, Email
Administrative Assistant, Shelly Reeder, 701-446-1295, Email