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Elementary ML Summer Program

The K-5 ML Summer program is back this year at Agassiz Elementary! This year it is called the ‘K-5 ML Summer Language Camp’- running for four days, from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm, the camp offers free breakfast, lunch, and snacks. With no bussing provided this year, parents will need to transport their children to and from the camp. Students will have plenty of opportunities to practice and expand their language skills through fun, hands-on activities like games, crafts, cooking, experiments, reading, and writing. Any ML elementary student can be registered by their building’s ML teacher. The camp has always been a place where lasting memories and friendships are made, and we can't wait for the exciting experiences this year will bring! Contact Tracey Johnson for questions or more details! 

The deadline is March 27th for ML teachers to get their students registered!