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The FPS Technology Plan maps out our K-5 initiatives. An elementary task force invited input and feedback from all elementary teachers and administrators to define the need for technology in these grade levels and the best allocation and implementation to meet that need. Our goal is to ensure all students participate in a wide variety of learning experiences where they receive specific and actionable feedback about their application of the 4Cs ­­- Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creative Thinking. All elementary students will learn keyboarding and basic technology skills, use technology to support individual practice, and receive feedback about their application of the 4Cs.

Grades 3-5 assign Chromebooks to each student. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 use technology for writing, research, reading and math games, and keyboarding. 

Grades K-2 assign iPads to each student.  Students use these devices throughout the day to support reading and math instruction as part of their daily routines.   

Each grade level team is asked to select one teacher as their “Tech Partner.” Tech Partners participate in additional training with the responsibility of sharing what they learned with the rest of their teaching partners. Media specialists provide ongoing classroom support and training in each building.

Keyboarding Instruction
Third grade students receive formal keyboarding instruction from a keyboarding instructor as part of the core curriculum. Students in grades 4 and 5 practice their keyboarding technique with the goal of typing 30 words per minute before they transition to middle school. 

What have we learned so far?
The 5th grade teams have embraced Google Apps for Education and report using technology more often and more seamlessly. Teachers and students like the easy and fast login and the ability for students to access their Google Docs from home if they choose to.

Useful Links for Elementary Implementation