Family Literacy Information
Literacy Resources
The Fargo Public Schools literacy team would like to remind students, staff, and families of the wide variety of reading options offered from our district e-book collection, local public resources, to web based resources. We have a number of great of available resources for families and students to utilize.
Book Checkout from FPS Libraries
FPS libraries are open to students each day that schools are open. Our school libraries are excellent resources for students to check out books, read books that they select, and foster a love of reading.
Fargo Public Libraries
All Fargo Schools students can use their ID or lunch number to check out books at our Fargo Public Libraries as long as permissions were granted by parents and caregivers on Powerschool during registraion. If you did not originally give your child permission, you can update their forms in Powerschool to make this possible. Did you know that Fargo Public Libraries also have an e-book collection? Try it out with your Fargo Schools ID.
Sora and E-book Access
The FPS district ebook collection houses 6,408 e-books, audiobooks, and magazines available for students and staff to check out and read. While e-books are generally one user at a time, magazine titles have simultaneous access so any user can access any title at any time, as well as having up to two years of back issues available.
Sora can be accessed on any electronic device using the Sora app, including older devices such as outdated phones that you may no longer use as a phone but could still use as a reading device with the Sora app. You can also access the public library e-book collection through your Sora account.
Little Free Libraries
Don’t forget to visit all the Free Little Libraries around the Fargo-Moorhead area. There are more than 50 Little Free Libraries in our area spanning from Horace to north of Hector International Airport and from Dilworth to west of Sheyenne Street in West Fargo. Find nearby locations!
Free Online Sites for Read Alouds
These sites offer free read alouds for listening.
Resources Available on Student Devices
Students in Kindergarten-2nd grade have the Elementary Resources app on their iPad. Grades 3-5 have the Elementary resources page as their homepage. Students in grades 6-12 have middle and high school resources these available on Canvas. If students want to use these resources at home, they need a username and password.
Go to the Elementary Resources Page to find: