2024 Change of Command/Awards Ceremony
On Saturday, 4 May 2024, the Raptors of ND-20061 held their 18th Annual Change of Command Parade and Awards Ceremony at Fargo South High School. Over 200 parents and guests attended the two ceremonies. The guests were treated to a formal Military Change of Command Parade where the Class of 2024 turned over the reigns of ND-20061 to the Class of 2025 followed by a pass-in-review by the entire Cadet Corps. In addition, the unarmed and armed exhibition teams performed for the attendees.
Following the Change of Command Parade, nineteen National Awards and several local awards were presented to cadets. A list of the National Award winners is provided below. The 2024 winner of the William Muscha Award was Cadet Nicholas Borowski. A special thanks to the Parents Group for the cake and refreshments between the ceremonies.
Air Force Association Award | Carson Moilanen |
Daedalion Achievement Award | Faith Hanson-Buethner |
Daughters of the American Revolution Award | Nicholas Borowski |
American Legion Scholastic Excellence Award | Mason Denault |
American Legion General Military Excel Award | Samuel Anyiam |
American Veterans Award | Fervent Anyiam |
Reserve Officer Association Award | Thomas Lemen |
Military Order of World Wars Award | Kaija Holloway |
Military Officers Association of America Award | Kaden Liedberg |
Veterans of Foreign Wars Award | Colton Rau |
National Sojourners Award | Zander Huso |
Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction Award | Ashton Joffrion |
Military Order of the Purple Heart Award | Madalynn Orvis |
Sons of the American Revolution Award | Rebecca Choe |
Air Force Sergeants Association Award | Jordan Mills |
Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War | Justin Smith |
Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated AFJROTC Award | Christian Igirubuntu Keaton Young |
The Retired Enlisted Association Award | Emma Gwion |
Celebrate Freedom Foundation Award | Emmalyn Gwion |