Career and College Readiness
Career and College Readiness
For students enrolled in our GED or EL classes, the FALC provides opportunities for students to develop the skills needed to enter employment, training or post-secondary education. For more information, call 701-446-2807
Our hybrid classes include at school, online and print-based learning opportunities. Appointments are needed to attend classes at school.
Computer Literacy:
This 6-week class is offered to students referred through Workforce Safety and Insurance (WSI). If space is available students enrolled in GED or EL classes may attend. This class is designed to help students to obtain basic computer skills to assist them with employment or educational goals. Class meets Tuesdays from 12:30-2:30pm.
EL - Intro to C.N.A.:
This 16-week class is designed for English Learners to help prepare students to take a Certified Nurse Assistant training class. This class works on basic vocabulary, numeracy, academic and beginning C.N.A. skills. No certification is given for the Intro to C.N.A. class. Class meets on Mondays from 12:30-2:30 pm.
EL - Driver’s Literacy:
This class is designed for English Learners and is offered to help those students prepare to take the ND driver’s permit test. Class meets on Tuesdays from 12:30-2:30pm.