FPS highly values our substitute employees and the very important role they play in the daily operation of our schools. Substituting is ideal for those who need or want a flexible schedule. Positions can be selected based on your schedule or your preferred school. For more information on each position, select one of the following links: Substitute Teacher or Substitute Paraeducator.
For the 2024-25 school year, Fargo Public Schools’ daily teacher substitute pay structures will be the following:
- Certified educators that are retired from FPS and sub in a classroom will be paid $300 per day.
- Certified educators that are retired from other school districts and sub in a classroom will be paid $200 per day. Certified retired educators from other districts will be required to provide proof of retirement to the Human Capital Office.
- The daily rate for teacher substitutes that carry a two-year interim sub license will be $130 per day.
- The daily rate for teacher substitutes that carry a regular teaching license will be $150 per day.
Did you know?
You can apply for a North Dakota Interim Substitute license with a minimum of 48 semester hours of college course work. For more information on how to apply for a ND Interim Substitute license, visit North Dakota Educational Standards and Practices Board.
“I’ve really enjoyed working for Fargo Public Schools the past two years. The daily grade level change, different school settings, and meeting new students every day keeps me coming back for these exciting challenges.”
- Kellie Kringlie, Substitute Teacher
"Working as a Substitute Teacher for Fargo Public Schools has allowed me to work a flexible, highly-rewarding position that I would recommend to anyone considering the FPS district. Working across different grade levels and schools in the district each day has been an excellent learning experience for me to start my teaching career as I get to grow and learn with new students and staff on a daily basis."
- Erik Peterson, Substitute Teacher
"As a substitute employee for Fargo Public Schools, I have the great opportunity to work in a professional and caring environment with a variety of schools, grade levels and programs. It is my privilege to give back to the school system that I grew up in, as well as the community I live in. I also have the great privilege of positively impacting staff and students!"
- Kari Douglas, Substitute Paraeducator