Community Involvement
FPS will provide many opportunities for the community to be involved throughout the process. Below is a list of ways we plan to involve our community.
- Community meetings
- Multiple surveys
- Focus group meetings
- Student Group Meetings
To be alerted to these future opportunities when they are scheduled, please complete this form.
Community Meetings
The meetings are an opportunity for the community to have their voices heard and help inform the decision making of the Long-Range Facility Plan Steering Committee. Topics covered will include the current and projected condition of FPS buildings; how the District’s buildings meet the needs of modern teaching and learning methods; ways the District can operate more efficiently; and future enrollment and educational opportunities.
November, 2023
November Community Meetings Presentation
- November 14, 6-8pm, North High School
- November 15, 6-8pm, South High School
- November 16, 6-8pm, Davies High School
January, 2024
January Community Meetings Presentation
January Community Meetings Presentation - Revised (Revisions were made for the third community meeting based on feedback received)
- January 9, 6-8pm, Davies High School
- January 10, 6-8pm, South High School
- January 11, 6-8pm, North High School