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Joy-El Johnson Feature Column

FPS teachers work together in Professional Learning Communities to improve teaching and help students succeed. PLCs use teamwork and problem-solving to focus on analyzing student work and making a plan to reteach using student data. Evidence-based reporting plays a big role in making these meetings more effective by helping teachers make smart decisions based on common formative assessment data. Read more about how EBR helps guide teachers' decisions in this Feature Column by New Teacher Mentor Program Coordinator Joy-El Johnsen and watch the

Katie Christensen Mineer

The Fargo Board of Education is currently conducting a search for the FPS next superintendent. This is currently the most important task before the Board, and it is committed to finding an exceptional leader for Fargo Public Schools. Nineteen applications were received for the position and the Board is now launching into the next steps with a plan to have the new superintendent selected on February 28.

No School February 17

There will be NO SCHOOL on February 17 due to the Presidents Day holiday. Classes will resume as regularly scheduled on Tuesday, February 18.

Todd Olson

February signals the beginning of preparations in the Activities Department for the numerous tournaments hosted in Fargo each year at the close of the winter sports season. The Metro Area Tournament Committee, a non-profit that serves as the umbrella organization for managing tournaments in Fargo and West Fargo, is hosting the State Wrestling Tournament and the State AA Boys and Girls Basketball Tournament in Fargo this year. Read more about the tournaments hosted locally in this column by Director of Student Activities Todd Olson.

Allie Kollman Feature

The three comprehensive high schools at FPS introduced Proficiency Days in the Spring of 2024 as a structured academic intervention for students with missing assessments and/or failing grades. These designated days are designed to provide students with the opportunity to complete essential assessments, receive targeted support, and demonstrate their level of proficiency on missing or retake assessments. Read more about what the data says about the effectiveness of Proficiency Days in this column by Science Facilitator Allie Kollman.

Dr. Denise Jonas

February marks Career and Technical Education Month, a time to recognize the powerful impact of CTE programs in shaping the future workforce. In North Dakota, the month is celebrated with the theme Igniting Potential, Inspiring Excellence. Its intent is to showcase how CTE empowers students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed for success in high-demand careers. Read more about CTE Month and CTE programming in FPS


Summer School logo

Summer School registration is now open! FPS offers opportunities for students to participate in programs focused on academics, athletics, arts, and more! See the Summer School 2025 offerings and register today!


AD-Ventures is a district publication to help families find activities for their children throughout our community. It is published on the first of each month September-May. 

Teacher of the Year - Bart Manson

Congratulations to Davies High School Social Studies Teacher Bart Manson on being named the 2025 Teacher of the Year!

Kim Myers

In recent years, the FPS Speech-Language Pathologists have participated in panel presentations with various regional universities, sharing insights about their experiences working in schools. These panels, aimed at students in Communication Sciences and Disorders programs or in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology programs, provided an in-depth look at the role of an SLP across different educational levels in public schools.

Katie Christensen Mineer

The Fargo Board of Education is tasked with leading the search for the next superintendent of Fargo Public Schools. The position is set to close to application on February 2, and the Board aims to complete interviews and extend an offer by the end of February. Read more about the superintendent search and the work of the Board's Governance Committee by Fargo Board of Education President Katie Christensen Mineer.

AnnMarie Campbell

In a world of constant information, communication, alerts, apps and more, sometimes it’s hard to know the quickest path to find the information you need. It’s essential that parents and community members are able to stay connected with our district and keep informed about the incredible programs, initiatives, and achievements that make FPS a cornerstone of our community. Whether you are a parent, or community supporter, we’ve established robust communication channels to ensure you have access to timely and comprehensive information.

Jolene Schue

FPS collaborates with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to support students with disabilities in employment. VR is a program designed to support individuals with disabilities in achieving their employment goals. It helps individuals prepare for, secure, maintain, or advance in meaningful careers by providing resources, training, and guidance.

Jeff McCanna

At FPS, we know that the success of our students is deeply rooted in the partnership between our staff and parents. Together, we create a community where every child feels supported, valued, and inspired to achieve their full potential. It’s this collaboration that makes FPS a special place for learning and growth. Read about the important collaborations between FPS staff and parents to create an exceptional experience for every student 

Allie Kollman Feature

As the end of the semester approaches, both teachers and students are preparing to finalize grades. It is crucial for teachers to communicate and review each student’s body of evidence and letter grades. Likewise, parents should review their student’s gradebook and reach out to teachers with any questions or concerns.

Jen Hess

Fargo Public Schools has launched a dedicated resource page to guide the Fargo Public Schools community through the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in education. This resource page serves as a guide for students, educators, and families regarding the use of AI in education and how FPS is approaching the use of AI to assist in student learning. Students and families can access the resource on the FPS website, under Departments and Technology.

Emily Hanson and Chasity Odden Heide

The District Student Support Team is a dedicated group of professionals working collaboratively to support students from Early Childhood Special Education through Grade 12. The purpose of this team is to provide building teams an avenue to request assistance for students with complex behavioral or academic needs (both students with and without an IEP/504).

Adapted Phy Ed

In line with its commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, FPS is implementing an enhanced process and procedure for Adapted Physical Education. This initiative is not merely a compliance measure with the guidance set forth by the ND Department of Public Instruction, but a proactive step towards ensuring that every student, regardless of ability, receives tailored physical education services.

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Progress Reports and Grading for Students with IEPs in General Education

In support of our commitment to equitable and transparent grading practices, FPS is implementing Standards-Based Instruction (SBI) and Evidence-Based Reporting (EBR) for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in general education settings. Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, asterisks will no longer be used on progress reports K-12 to indicate student proficiency levels.
Learn More

Melissa Burkland

Although the Fargo Board of Education Negotiations Committee has not yet formally begun negotiations, the committee has been meeting and has been busy at work preparing for the 2025-2027 negotiations season.

School Emergency Drills

Emergencies are, by their nature, unpredictable. However, when students and staff are well-prepared, the response can be swift and effective. Emergency drills are vital to help build a school-wide culture of safety. Teaching students and staff exactly what to do, whether it's a fire, a lockdown situation, or a tornado, prepares them to respond in the first moments in the safest way possible.

 Title Community Development Survey

Find out more about reimagining four core school sites: Ben Franklin, Hawthorne, Roosevelt and Madison. To ensure plans reflect the values of those who live in the community, we want to hear from you!

Robin Nelson

This year, the Fargo Board of Education's Governmental Affairs Committee is focused on preparing for the 69th North Dakota Legislative Session. Once the session begins, the committee will closely monitor bills related to K-12 education, regularly updating legislators on how proposed legislation could impact our district, students, and community. Read more about the work the Governmental Affairs Committee is doing to advocate for the District.

Update on ID Scanning & Bus safety

As FPS continues to enhance student safety and security during school bus operations, we would like to share important reminders and updates about our bus scanning procedures. The safety and security of our students during transportation remain our utmost priority. Read more about the updates to the bus scanning procedures and actions required of staff to ensure the proper implementation of these procedures

Cassie Jorgenson

In late fall of 2023, the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction released the ND-ELA Alternate Assessment Standards. This document aligns the North Dakota State Content Standards and the Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements to assist districts in developing curriculum, scope, and sequence for students with the most significant disabilities.

Kim Rensch

When giftedness resides alongside autism, ADHD, dyslexia, or other learning difference in the same person, the person is said to be “twice exceptional” or “2e” for short. The presence of at least two neurodiverse conditions in one brain can present unique challenges for twice exceptional people. It can also present great potential and lead to exceptional outcomes.

Clark Column

This school year, the Fargo Board of Education's Planning Committee will continue to be heavily involved in the implementation of the newly adopted long-range facilities plan, which was approved by the Board on June 11, 2024. Creating a plan is just the beginning. Now that plan must be put into practice, which will take a lot of effort and will again require gathering input from the community throughout the year.

Student reflections & Grade Checks

When students take time to reflect on what they’re learning, they perform better in school. Research shows that self-assessment and reflection are two of the most effective strategies for improving learning. When students think about what they’ve learned and identify areas they need to work on, they can set clearer, more meaningful goals.
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Raising A Reader Logo

Starting in the month of October, kindergarteners and children in our early childhood programs will begin bringing home red Raising a Reader book bags each week. The red bags contain three books that families can share together and return to school the next week. The goal is to support families in establishing, enhancing, and maintaining home reading routines.

Making Sense of Grades

This fall, FPS is excited to introduce Proficiency Days at our comprehensive high schools. These days are designed to help students focus on their academic growth and reach their full potential. Proficiency Days provide targeted opportunities for students to improve their skills and progress toward their goals. Watch the video.



Multilingual Learners

This year, FPS started using the term "Multilingual Learners" instead of "English Learners." This change is more than just a new name — it shows the District's commitment to understanding and valuing students’ cultural backgrounds. Read more about the transition from English Learners to Multilingual Learners in this Feature Column by Multilingual Learners Facilitator Jenna Polley.

Gapp cabinet Column

The Fargo Board of Education approved the final mill levy certification and district budgets for the 2025 school year on September 24. Most individuals think of the General Fund when it comes to school district budgeting, however, Fargo Public Schools budgets for and operates multiple funds, some of which are reserved by law under North Dakota Century Code and can only be used for specified purposes.

SBI and EBR Philosophy

At the core of the Standards-Based Instruction/Evidence-Based Reporting model are Enduring Skills and Essential Learning Outcomes. These guide students in becoming more than just passive learners—they develop the ability to apply knowledge, think critically, and innovate. As learners, users, and producers of new knowledge, students are empowered to take ownership of their educational journey.
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Campbell Cabinet Column

FPS transitioned to a new mass communication system, BrightArrow. Unfortunately, since the launch, FPS has experienced some technical challenges that have been particularly frustrating during critical moments, including recent safety and security incidents. ream ore about the new system and how to ensure you receive important information from FPS.

Making Sense of Grades

As a parent, it can sometimes feel like you're trying to decode a secret language when it comes to understanding your child's school grades. FPS is committed to providing clear, accurate information on your child’s progress, highlighting both where they are excelling and where they may need more support. Our grading system is designed to focus on the skills your child can use in the real world, emphasizing their academic achievements independent of other factors.

Allie Kollman Feature

The Evidence-Based Reporting gradebook is designed to give a more transparent, skills-based view of a student’s progress. Understanding the gradebook is essential for staying connected with your student’s learning and helping them succeed.

Sahr Feature

FPS is excited to introduce the Mental Health Series Platform from, a powerful new resource designed to support family mental health and well-being. When caregivers have helpful tools, it benefits children, strengthens families, and contributes to a thriving community.

Jan Anderson

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law that provides important educational rights and services to Pre-K - grade 12 youth experiencing homelessness. More than 100 FPS students are homeless tis school year.


Missy Eidsness Cabinet Column

To foster greater engagement and align its efforts with District strategic objectives, the Teaching and Learning team is introducing a key initiative: the implementation of Leadership Rounding. 

Free Reduced Application

Students may qualify for federal and state assistance to cover the cost of meals. Households may qualify based on income and size, participation in a federal assistance program (SNAP, etc.) and other criteria.

Opt In

FPS sent a text message to all parents & staff from number 79041 asking you to opt-in to receive text message alerts from FPS and school. To continue receiving texts you MUST respond YES.

Updated Student Restraint Policy

Read about revisions to Administrative Policy 6250 Student Restraint Policy to comply with federal requirements in this column by Director of Compliance Dr. Patricia Cummings.

The Dignity Index

Dr. Timothy Shiver’s presentation on “The Dignity Index" at the National School Board Association's annual conference, left a lasting impression. Read more from Melissa Burkland on the conference and this presentation.

Policy Review

Each year, FPS administration conducts an Administrative Policy review. Administrative Policies are reviewed on a set rotation, ensuring all policies are reviewed once in a four-year cycle. Through this review process, some policies do not require any changes while other policies receive minor updates or more substantial updates. For the 2024 review cycle, administration has been reviewing this year’s set of policies during the school year.

Selection of Instructional Materials

FPS is committed to providing students with high-quality instructional materials that support its strategic plan, align with curriculum standards, and promote inclusivity and diversity. 

Title IX image

The U.S Dept. of Education released revisions Title IX the Education Amendments of 1972Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. 

PowerSchool logo

As FPS continues towards fully implementing Evidence-Based Reporting by 2025-26, a PowerSchool update streamlines the parent/student view by combining EBR and traditional grading systems.

Cabinet Column

FPS is dedicated to implementing equitable processes to ensure all students are supported so each student can demonstrate proficiency in identified Essential Learning Outcomes. 

Arts Can Do

The community has the power to help support visual and fine arts in FPS simply by recycling aluminum cans with the Arts CAN Do program. Funds raised directly benefit arts our arts programs.

Dr. Rupak Gandhi
AI's role in education is multifaceted, promising to revolutionize how individuals approach learning. Read Superintendent Dr. Rupak Gandhi's perspective on the developments in AI in this Cabinet Column.
Seth Holden
The Fargo Board of Education and the Fargo Education Association came to an agreement on a two-year contract. Read about the process in this Board Column by Negotiations Committee Chair Seth Holden.
Summer School Logo
Traditional elementary summer school and Extended School Year dates were combined for K-5 in 2023. Students whose IEP teams had determined that they required ESY services attended at their home buildings.
DAC image
Fargo Public Schools has been selected to participate in a groundbreaking program offered through The Jed Foundation (JED) and The School Superintendents Association (AASA). The District Comprehensive Approach (DCA) is a transformational program that guides districts across the country to enhance systems of support for the emotional well-being of students. Based on JED’s proven approach, the DCA is an evidence-based framework that combines expert support, best practices, and data-driven guidance to protect mental health and prevent suicide for millions of students.
FPS Logo
FPS has introduced new FPS Philosophies, a set of principles that will guide its actions, decisions, and daily operations. Read more about the FPS Philosophies in this Cabinet Column by Dr. Gandhi.
James Hand
FPS conducted a Facilities Study, which is substantially complete and preliminary reports were presented to the School Board in September. The data collected through this process will be used to prioritize annual maintenance projects as well as inform the community as FPS works through the Long-Range Facility Planning process. Read more about the Long-Range Facilities Plan and the key takeaways from the Facilities Study in this Feature Column by FPS Director of Facilities James Hand.
Teacher working with EL student
FPS continues to emphasize the role the English Learner Program, with about 850 students, has in educating and empowering all students to succeed, regardless of their background or needs. This commitment reflects the program's core values of inclusivity and equity, ensuring that each student, including English learners, can thrive in FPS. Read about the English Learner Program and get an introduction to FPS' new EL Facilitator Jenna Polley in this Feature Column by FPS Director of Standards-Based Instruction Dr. Liann Hanson.
Support staff working with students
Fargo Public Schools is now hiring full-and part-time support staff positions including paraeducators, custodians, and food service workers. Learn more about these great opportunities to impact our community's youth and apply for a position today!
AnnMarie Campbell
FPS has around 150 Administrative Policies in the categories of Business, Community, Instruction, Personnel, and Student Policies. The policies are reviewed on a set rotation, ensuring all policies are reviewed once in a four-year cycle. With the set rotation, administration reviews approximately a quarter of the administrative policies annually. Read more about which policies have been reviewed and updated in 2023 in this Cabinet Column by FPS Communications Officer AnnMarie Campbell.
Dr. Tracie Newman
The Fargo Board of Education Communications, Engagement and Advocacy (CEA) Committee is comprised of five Board members and members of the Superintendent’s cabinet who work to enhance the transparency of how the Board makes decisions. This committee also focuses on communication with constituents and community stakeholders through engagement and advocacy efforts. Read more about the efforts of the CEA Committee in this Board Column by CEA Chair Dr. Tracie Newman.
Ad-Ventures Publication Image
AD-Ventures is a district publication intended to help families find activities for their children throughout our community. It is published on the first of each month during the school year (September through May).
Dr. Jennifer Sahr
Finding a connection with loved ones can be the difference in getting them the help they need. Read about strategies for starting conversations with someone who may be suicidal from assistant director of educational justice Dr. Jennifer Sahr.
Suicide Prevention Ribbon
September is National Suicide Prevention Month: a moment in time in which Fargo Public Schools and the community can rally the public to create awareness of this leading cause of death and inspire more and more people to learn how they can play a role in their communities in helping to save lives. Read more about strategies for reducing suicide rates in this Feature Column by FPS Assistant Director of Educational Justice Dr. Jennifer Sahr.
Calendar with FPS logo
The FPS 2024-25 Calendar Committee will reconvene to update the 2024-25 school calendar. This decision is a direct response to the the recent action taken by the Fargo Board of Education to require Fargo Public Schools to be closed on all federal holidays beginning June 1, 2024. Read more about the necessary adjustments to the 2024-25 school calendar in this Cabinet Column by FPS Associate Superintendent Dr. Robert Grosz.
Fruit and Vegetables
Households may qualify for free or reduced-cost meals. FPS encourages all families to complete the Student Frees Assistance and Benefits application available online. Qualifying includes free waivers for some student activities, submitting collect applications, and taking national standardized tests in addition to meal payment benefits. Learn more about Student Fees Assistance and Benefits application and the FPS School Breakfast and Lunch Program in this Feature Column by FPS Nutrition Services Director Cindy Hogenson.
Melody Staebner
The Fargo/West Fargo Indian Education Program is now known as the Native American Education Program. The name change process spanned more than two years from May 2021 to its approval this June. Read about the renaming process in this Feature Column by Native American Education Program Coordinator Melody Staebner.
El families at Family Night
English Learner Family Nights are a bi-weekly parent and family engagements supported by FPS and ND Dept. of Health and Human Services. The purpose is to help build language through hands-on activities, guest speakers, and lessons, as well as to assist families in navigating opportunities and obstacles within their new community.
Fargo Public Schools has released the District’s 2024-25 school calendar. The calendar was developed by the District’s Calendar Committee, which was comprised of seventeen members including teachers, parents, principals, students, district office representatives, a Fargo Education Association teacher representative, a support staff member, and a School Board member. The calendar was presented to the Fargo Board of Education and approved at the March 28, 2023 School Board meeting.
FPS Logo
The Board Planning Committee works with FPS administration to determine short-term and long-term facility needs and make appropriate recommendations to the Board for their consideration. As a growing district, we need to carefully plan for bringing new facilities online as the need arises and renovate/update those in our current inventory as they age. Read more about the plan for new buildings in the District in this Board Column by Fargo Board of Education member Jim Johnson.
Umoja logo
Umoja means "unity". Read about what Umoja means for more than 200 Fargo Public Schools youth in this Feature Story by FPS Director of Equity and Inclusion Dr. Tamara Uselman and Umoja Developers Frederick Edwards and J'Neil Gibson.
Arts Can Do logo
You can help support Visual and Fine Arts in the Fargo Public Schools simply by recycling your aluminum cans. While helping the earth by recycling, you can help the brain and social emotional learning skills of our FPS students by supporting the arts. Arts CAN Do recycling receptacles are located at many recycling centers around town. Read the article to see where to donate.
There are 94 languages spoken in our schools, and the District is dedicated to supporting students in their home languages. To reflect the broad diversity of the world, specific cultures of the families we serve, and to support the home languages of families, the Elementary Language Library Project was created. The Elementary Language Libraries provide books to students to read in one of five languages.
Music In Our Schools Month
March is Music in Our Schools Month! FPS has an incredibly strong music program. So strong that it has been named one of NAMM’s “Best Communities for Music Education” for 19 years. Read more about the music opportunities provided to FPS students and some of their honors and accomplishments in this Feature Column by FPS Performing Arts Facilitator Patrick Thiel.
CTE Logo
February is national Career and Technical Education Month. It is an annual campaign held across the United States to celebrate the accomplishments of Career and Technical Education programs, instructors, and students.
Join our Team with FPS logo
Join the Fargo Public Schools team and be the leader they need! Fargo Public Schools is now hiring paraeducators, food service staff, custodial staff, and more! Apply today!
FPS Logo
The FPS Board of Education Governance Committee helps guide and support the School Board by ensuring it adheres to healthy and productive governance practices. Read more about this Committee in this Board Column by Board President Dr. Tracie Newman.
FPS Logo
Career opportunities in education and human services are limitless and can start in high school. Whether a student is interested in following a path as a teacher, paraeducator, social worker, counselor, childcare provider, or coach, Fargo Public Schools is proud to provide opportunities to inspire students.
Inclement Weather FAQ
Fargo Public Schools has received many questions regarding how we will respond to inclement weather situations moving forward this school year. Read the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in this Inclement Weather FAQ.
Attend To Win Image
Stay Strong! Avoiding school absences through the winter months is crucial for academic success. Missing school and falling behind on assignments can create school-related anxiety that only gets worse as time goes on. Connect with a teacher or counselor if you are feeling behind or overwhelmed.
Image of Cell Phone
Cell phone carriers are focusing on mass calling systems and marking more messages from these systems as potential Spam. This could capture FPS announcements and mark them as ‘Potential Spam,’ causing you to miss an important message like a weather-related school closing. Learn how to prevent this.
FPS Logo
During their September and October meetings, the Fargo Board of Education will review and approve governing documents that provide an outline for the future of our District. The documents include, but are not limited to, the Strategic Plan, the Long Range Facilities Plan, and the Long Range Financial Plan.
Attend to Win!
At FPS, our problem to solve is this: nearly 46% of our students missed too much school last year. Student absence harms everyone, particularly students. Read more about the importance of student attendance in this Feature Column by FPS Director of Equity and Inclusion Dr. Tamara Uselman and attendance specialists Gabe Whitney and Nick Hawkins.
Need Affordable Health Insurance?
More people than ever qualify for help paying for health coverage, even those who weren't eligible in the past. Family Health Care can help with medicaid or health insurance coverage options.
Image of an Envelope
FPS has received reports from some families using Hotmail and GMail accounts that they may not be receiving school and district notification emails, although not every account is having an issue. The problem appears related to how Hotmail and GMail manage incoming email.
Calendar page
Fargo Public Schools has released the District’s 2023-24 school calendar, which is now available on the FPS website. Read more about the process of creating and approving the calendar in this Cabinet Column by FPS Associate Superintendent Dr. Robert Grosz.
FPS Logo with t he words #FPSLearns
#FPSLearns is a regular video series on topics regarding Fargo Public Schools. Through short videos, FPS Superintendent Dr. Rupak Gandhi and other administrators share with the community about the science of reading.
Microphone with words Hear for the Kids
Carl Ben Eielson Counselor Rachel Johnson joins hosts Cassie Larson, counselor at Eagles Elementary, and FPS Student Wellness and Family Facilitator Carly Gaddie on the new Hear for the Kids podcast. On the podcast, Johnson gives an overview of trauma and explains why it is important to look through a trauma lens.