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Career & Technical Resource Education

Career and Technical Resource Education (CTRE) is a supplementary service to support students enrolled in CTE courses. Career and Technical Resource Educators work closely with teachers, counselors, and a wide range of school and community programs to support students in meeting their learning goals, along with goals in a career pathway. CTRE does not replace special education or EL services, but works collaboratively with educators and case managers to ensure equal opportunity for students to learn and to achieve in CTE courses, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, disability or gender. Students must qualify for CTRE as designated by their enrollment in a CTE course and under special populations including (individuals with disabilities, individuals from economically disadvantaged families (including foster children), single parents (including single pregnant women), displaced homemakers, individuals with limited English proficiency, and students preparing for nontraditional fields).

Fargo Public Schools is committed to leveling the playing field for all students to be successful in their career development experience.