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Advisory Committees

What Is An Advisory Committee?

An Advisory committee exists to advise, support and advocate for career and technical education. It has no legislative, administrative or programmatic authority and is advisory only. Advisory Committees work cooperatively with school officials in planning and carrying out committee work.

The primary purpose of advisory committees is to provide ongoing evaluation and consultation about the curriculum to keep it current with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values identified as being necessary for students to work effectively in their chosen occupation. In partnership with the Fargo Public School District, this valuable input will enable students to acquire the necessary life tools to be successful.

Advisory Committees are essential to the future success of our students as well as the workforce.

Why Do We Have Advisory Committees

According to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Grand Improvement Act of 2006, a school that has at least one CTE program, which is receiving federal funds from this grant, is required to develop and maintain an Advisory Committee. These Advisory Committees must meet at least twice a year and have a mission to strengthen the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs they serve.

Who Can Be On An Advisory Committee?

Career and Technical Education advisory committees are made up of volunteers who agree to serve as advisors to one or more career and technical education programs. Members include representatives from business, labor, community agencies, post-secondary educational institutions, students and parents of current and former students. Because of their working knowledge of requirements of specific occupations and training opportunities, they provide valuable advice, guidance, and assistance.

Career and Technical Education programs include:

  • Automated Manufacturing\Welding
  • Automotive Technology
  • Business Education
  • Career Guidance
  • Career & Technical Resource Support
  • Construction Technology
  • Family and Consumer Science
  • Health Science Careers
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing Education
  • Technology and Engineering Education

How Can Someone Get Involved in An Advisory Committee?

Are you ready to support a Career and Technical Education Program and do you fall into one of the categories listed above?

Sign up to join us today!

The mission of the Career Pathway Advisory Committee is to strengthen the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs it serves. The committee exists to advise, assist, support and advocate for career and technical education. It has no legislative, administrative or programmatic authority and is advisory only. Advisory Committees work cooperatively with school officials in planning and carrying out committee work.
Career and Technical Education advisory committees are made up of volunteers who agree to serve as advisors to one or more career and technical education programs. Members include representatives from business, labor, community agencies, post-secondary educational institutions, students and parents of current and former students. Because of their working knowledge of the requirements of specific occupations and training opportunities, they provide valuable advice, guidance, and assistance.

The primary purpose of advisory committees is to provide ongoing evaluation and consultation about the curriculum to keep it current with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values identified as being necessary for students to work effectively in their chosen occupation. In partnership with the Tacoma School District, this valuable input will enable students to acquire the necessary life tools to be successful.

  • Automated Manufacturing\Welding
  • Automotive Technology
  • Business Education
  • Career Guidance
  • Career & Technical Resource Support
  • Construction Technology
  • Family and Consumer Science
  • Health Science Careers
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing Education
  • Technology and Engineering Education