Disability Rights and Justice for People with Impairments
FPS Philosophy: Fargo Public Schools prohibits discrimination against all persons – whether student, District employee, family or community member – on the basis of disability, impairment, or other intersecting identity.
FPS Philosophy: Fargo Public Schools commits itself to including persons with disabilities or impairments or their advocates in plans and actions aimed at improving or addressing issues related to disabilities or impairments.
Supporting Statement: It is the right of each child to access a free appropriate public education and Fargo Public Schools includes and supports all students.
Supporting Statement: Fargo Public Schools believes that a system of high-quality public education for all students is one of the essential foundations to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Supporting Statement: Fargo Public Schools recognizes that in addition to the student population, there are employees and educators who are valued members of the school community who have either apparent or non-apparent disabilities or impairments.
Supporting Statement: Students with disabilities or impairments experience disparate suspension and expulsion, police referral, and chronic absenteeism compared to their non-disabled, non-impaired peers, leading to lower academic achievement, higher likelihood of dropping out, and higher incidences of juvenile incarceration. Therefore, Fargo Public Schools relentlessly pursues the removal of barriers that further students with disabilities or impairments from educational justice.
Supporting Statement: The physical environment as well as the understanding carried by abled people may foster stigmas that create disabling conditions.
Statement: Disability or impairment are one facet of an individual’s identity. Intersecting identities (e.g. sexual orientation, age, religion, race) can magnify discrimination and marginalization.